
An example of how the species interacted in the wild, a herd of elephants and a couple of giraffe crossed paths and were available for a photo opportunity.


A group of hippopotamus's enjoying the mud, water, and sunshine. But, do not get too near, or they will charge!!


A mask at the market in McCooney. A display of both the skill of the artisans and the way we felt a bit deceived of their lifestyle

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls
The corner of Victoria Falls, we couldn't see any more because of the mist. There are pictures of the entire thing on google images if you want to see what the entire thing looks like.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Victoria Falls, McCooney Village, and a reuniting Monday, May 24, 2010

Today we visited Victoria Falls, one of the seven wonders of the world. These waterfalls are comparable to Niagra falls, except 50x bigger. We visited during the end of the fall season, so the water was higher than usual. It made for an interesting experience! There was a huge cloud of vapour coming from the falls and when you walked over a bridge near the falls it was as if you were in a thunderstorm. The downpour of rain was something that I have never experienced on a sunny day. The bridge we walked across had 3-4 inches of running water on it. Everything on my person got soaked, including my watch and passport, which were in plastic bags...apparently not as air tight as I thought. It was a beautiful sight and another wonderful example of the creation that the Lord has surrounded us with. One of the highlights was seeing a circular rainbow. Looking over the edge of the bridge into the mist one could see the rainbow go all the way around. It was a fantastic sight and one that reminds me of the Lord’s faithfulness to us.
We also went to the McCooney village today. This is where explorer David Livingstone came across the chief that ran the 10,000 square kilometres around Victoria Falls. The village is a tourist site now, where leaders will take you around the village and later persuade you to buy gifts from their market. I was not impressed by the village as they pretended to be poor but had tv’s and radios and electricity which is a lot more than other villages we had seen. So, McCooneys felt a little untrustworthy.
That evening a few of us walked to a restaraunt for dinner and met Overland Missions there. Overland is a non-profit organization that is doing work all over Africa and has a base in Lusaka. One of our team members spent a few weeks with them and was able to reconnect with them. It was very cool to run into them and hear more examples of people furthering the kingdom by providing aid and spreading the gospel.
Soli Deo Gloria

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